Daniel Ruiz Tizon is Available Episode 73 Resonance FM S2 E07

27 October 2014

The glass is tall


Daniel Ruiz Tizon, a man on his fifth nose, is, he’d like the world to know, Available, and dissecting the minutiae of everyday life.

Listen live on Resonance 104.4fm or listen via resonancefm.com every Monday at 10pm. (Repeated Fridays at 5pm)

This week, Daniel’s latest read from a charity shop presents him with more formidable hygiene issues, while The Kid looks to return to his squats, despite the extra large right thigh already forcing him to have a new suit altered. There’s Daniel’s latest nectar points update, a return to the café for a report on the new waiter’s alarming over familiar tendencies, and last but not least, the latest SW8 Beer Dump. Can current champion Owen Pomery hang onto his Beer Dump crown?

Twitter @1607WestEgg

Engineer: Chris Dixon