Daniel Ruiz Tizon is Available Episode 67 Resonance FM S2 E01

15 September 2014

The glass is tall


Daniel Ruiz Tizon, a man on his fifth nose and writer-director of acclaimed Resonance 104.4fm series “The Letter,” is, he’d like the world to know, Available, and dissecting the minutiae of everyday life.

Listen live on Resonance 104.4fm or listen via resonancefm.com every Monday at 10pm. (Repeated Fridays at 5pm)

6 weeks and approximately 72 lattes on from his last show, Daniel returns after his summer sabbatical to report on a time of change in the café.  There are Future Me Alerts, and the  first nectar points update of the series, while ‘the Kid’ gives us the low down on how his physique has changed since we last heard from the muscular-backed one.

Engineer: Chris Dixon